White Paper Download
The ABCs of Mexican Fuel Inventory Tickets
Make Sense of Mexico's Public Policy for Minimum Storage of Petroleum Products (PPMSPP)
The OPIS Mexico editorial team looks at the uncertainties and challenges surrounding this market-shaping policy and its evolution.
This white paper will help you to:- Track all PPMSPP’s changes and updates.
- Examine the policy’s real market impact.
- Discover market views on the future of inventory requirements.
- Gather the best practices for inventory ticket trading.
- Explore pricing strategies adopted by the industry for inventory tickets.
Download the White Paper
Interested in the Mexico Fuels Report?
Get a true buildup cost of cross-border shipments from the U.S. to Mexico with the brand new OPIS Mexico Fuels Report. It features a landed spot market index that assesses the price of Mexico delivered gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel, based on the daily OPIS assessments for U.S. benchmark refined product spot markets.