Q&A Download
Questions with Tim McPhie
European Commission's spokesperson for Climate Action and Energy
Download this FREE interview from OPIS for valuable insights into the region's progress towards achieving the European Commission's climate goals.
Download the Interview
OPIS Products of Interest...
OPIS Carbon Market Report
OPIS Carbon Market Report meets the need for benchmark carbon pricing with comprehensive market coverage. In a single daily report, you gain access to more than 100 carbon and emissions market assessments, and insight into 16 environmental programs including California Carbon Allowances, California Carbon Offsets, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Allowances and U.S. Renewable Energy Certificate.
OPIS Europe Hydrogen Report
The green hydrogen market is poised for significant growth, expanding from under 1 million tons per year now to hundreds of millions of tons per year by 2050. To facilitate this expansion and support greenhouse gas reduction efforts, it is crucial to have a reliable hydrogen price benchmark that aligns with the UK Low Carbon Hydrogen Standard and the EU Delegated Acts on Renewable Hydrogen. The OPIS Europe Hydrogen Report is an information service designed specifically for the green hydrogen industry in Europe.