Do you buy or sell wholesale gasoline or diesel? Keep scrolling for educational blog posts about the third link of the fuel supply chain, the Wholesale Rack Market. 


How To Read Your Wholesale Rack Report

Your wholesale rack report is an invaluable tool to help you make sure you are not being overcharged by your supplier. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to read your wholesale rack report so you can buy fuel like a pro. Read More

7 Things You Don't Know About Your Wholesale Fuel Rack Report

We’ve pulled together answers to some of our most frequently asked new subscriber questions to tell you seven things you don't know about your wholesale fuel rack report, complete with detailed advice from our customer service experts. Read More
Wholesale Rack Fuel Pricing Essentials

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Once fuel leaves the refinery gate, the next step in the price chain is the wholesale rack. But, before we delve into wholesale rack fuel pricing, let’s recap with a few glossary terms. Read More

Cap and Trade Costs at the Rack: The Basics for Fuel Buyers



OPIS In 2014 began accounting for Cap and Trade compliance costs by showing California Cap at the Rack (CAR) in its gas and diesel reports. Since suppliers reflect the costs differently, OPIS "normalizes" prices so our rack data compares "apples to apples." Read More
Typical Payment Terms in Your Fuel Report

OPIS wholesale rack reports were created to provide a font of information about the markets from which you purchase fuel. This post will give you the 411 on typical payment terms in your fuel report. Read More

Wholesale Fuel Pricing: An Inside Look

Oil tank in cargo service terminal
Where do the wholesale fuel prices that appear in your rack report originate? How does OPIS bring that pricing to you and ensure it is 100% legit? This is where the OPIS rack price discovery comes in. Around 40 years ago, our founders pioneered the “art” of collecting and vetting wholesale fuel data. Read More

The Case of the Missing Rack Price Hours



OPIS does everything it its power to ensure the gasoline and diesel prices we publish are correct. But, it’s important to understand the delivery time of the report you get and how it relates to your data. Wholesale rack prices can change at any time during the day, but many suppliers update their prices at 6pm. Read More

Wholesale Gas & Diesel Rack Price Transparency Explained

Tanker Truck w overlay
Gasoline and diesel prices go up and down. That's just the way the fuel market works! But what never goes away is the need for price transparency. Because prices change so often, you need to make sure you're clear on the price you are paying for bulk gas and diesel. Read More

Behind the Scenes: Anatomy of an OPIS Gas and Diesel Rack Price

We know how important accurate third-party gasoline and diesel wholesale prices are to your business. But, where do the wholesale fuel prices that appear in your rack report originate before they are sent out to you at specifics points in your workday or in real-time? How does OPIS verify that pricing is legit? Read More

How to Find (and Use!) Your Ideal Gasoline and Diesel Price Report

In the fuel business, price transparency is everything. But how do you know what level of price discovery is right for your unique business? And once you have the right gasoline and diesel price report in place, how do you use it? Look no further than this helpful chart! Read More