In this quick market update, Chief Oil Analyst Denton Cinquegrana discusses how oil prices have impacted consumer gasoline expenditures. Download the Mid-Year Review and learn more!



For oil and fuel markets, the first half of 2018 has been full of unexpected curve balls.

Since the release of OPIS’ 2018 Outlook Forecast early in 2018, many revisions to our initial predictions have been made. Bearish markets turned bullish and high retail gasoline prices found themselves back in the news after a two-and-a-half-year trend of lower average pump prices.

Download your free copy of the OPIS Outlook Forecast Mid-Year Review and learn:

  • The geopolitical factors shaping a tumultuous 2018 in the oil patch
  • The supply & demand forces at play in the U.S. oil markets
  • How the announcements made at the June 22 OPEC meeting will shape the fortunes of oil for the remainder of 2018
  • RINs volatility and how it has impacted RBOB gasoline futures
  • The major headlines that are shaping fuel prices this year

Meet the Authors:

Tom Kloza

Global Head of Energy Analysis


Denton Cinquegrana

Chief Oil Analyst


If you didn't get a chance to read the 2018 Outlook Forecast, you can download it here.